We take care of your infrastructure,
get back to business!
Smart Features
Cloud Factory Orchestration
Plug & Play
Plug & Play
Fully Interoperable
Plug your existing tools & Play with our cutting edge technologies
  • Choose how and when enter the DevOps chain
  • Integrate your tools and habits and plan a smooth migration
  • Agnostic multi cloud platform, open and reversible by design
Team Management
Federate and organize your teams around your projects
  • Easy onboarding thanks to native Single Sign-On, secured by Multi-Factor Authentication
  • Get Role-Based Access Control on the whole DevOps chain (Factory)
  • Monitor in real-time on who access your assets and how they do it
Build your Offer
Fit your resources to your activity
  • High scalability and unlimited availability (resource scheduler)
  • No more leveling effects with fine granularity (unit resources: CPU, RAM, Storage...)
  • Instant adaptation of your resources, manual or scheduled
Pilot your clusters
Manage and observe your application environments
  • Instantly create a new cluster in 3 clicks
  • Manage your applications/projects environments from your dashboard
  • Pilot and monitor in real time your production processes
Custom Domain Names
Securely expose your applications
  • Load balance your domain names to your business services
  • Secure the exchanges to your domain names (TLS)
  • Routing management: create and scale your traffic to your business services.
Reliable Delivery
Optimize your processes & Automate your production
  • Pipelines & templates preconfigured and customizable to match your processes
  • Accelerated ambition by a fully automated DevOps chain
  • Put some automation in your process and follow production in real time
Resilient Storage
Gain serenity, your data are safe and secured
  • Reliable storage insured by our Ceph Cluster: resize, clone and snapshot available
  • Each data is replicated on 3 servers on 3 different datacenters
  • Elastic storage and large topology: zones, modes, speed...
Risk Management
Data Protection & Disaster Recovery
  • Backup to external data center included in your offer, no added fees
  • Instantly clone or restore a fully fonctional environment
  • Schedule frequent cloud backups and never worry about data loss
Fully Interoperable
Plug your existing tools & Play with our cutting edge technologies
  • Choose how and when enter the DevOps chain
  • Integrate your tools and habits and plan a smooth migration
  • Agnostic multi cloud platform, open and reversible by design
Team Management
Federate and organize your teams around your projects
  • Easy onboarding thanks to native Single Sign-On, secured by Multi-Factor Authentication
  • Get Role-Based Access Control on the whole DevOps chain (Factory)
  • Monitor in real-time on who access your assets and how they do it
Autopilot Operating Mode


Let Autopilot manages your requested resources by following your workload needs. Autopilot unleashes the benefits of our highly secured, managed and serverless Kubernetes and its Pod Autoscaling capabilities (Horizontal and Vertical) during high load traffic.


You can configure limits to your cluster and/or your autoscaling to keep your budget under control. Autopilot let you specify the location of your applications and their data to comply with your customer and security policies.


Autopilot manages the underlying infrastructure, so you can focus on building and deploying your applications. By removing the need to continuously monitor resources and scaling, Autopilot reduces operational complexity.
Serverless production grade compute & storage

Efficient by nature, secure by design and managed for fun!

Deploy, host, monitor, maintain and upgrade your services within a fully managed Kubernetes, based on a high disponibility bare metal infrastructure.

Be serene working on a highly secure sovereign cloud infrastructure, independent yet multi-cloud ready.

Focus on your services and your business by enjoying all the advantages our serverless managed Kubernetes provided : 10Gb bandwidth, routing management (TLS), real-time and unlimited adaptation, transverse monitoring, backup integration, GDPR compliance...


Managed Kubernetes

Easy-to-use fully managed and secured Vanilla Kubernetes.
Configured with proxy, load balancer, operators, CSI storage, CNI network...

Bare Metal Infrastructure

A managed Kubernetes running on a bare metal infrastructure.
No unnecessary virtualization and access secured by edge router

Serverless Architecture

Use a serverless platform that matches your needs, actual and future.
Allocate the resources required by your services with fine granularity.


Localized data, by regions, datacenters... and large choice of storage modes.
Both for your clusters (compute) and your disc (storage).

Cloud Storage

Ceph Cluster managed by Rook, offering high availability cloud volumes.
Storage-as-a-Service platform designed to be fast, scalable and resilient.

Backup Management

Instant backups with CSI Snapshots: provision or restore a volume in one click.
Velero and Restic backups included and replicated on a different zone.
Automated DevOps Chain
Compose and scale observability
  • Detect, alert and prevent failures faster
  • Rule & monitor your services to have real-time metrics thanks to 10+ dashboard included
  • Analyse your system and make decisions to take care of your customer satisfaction
  • Set up your own tools and rules to follow your production and handle crisis situation
Install your applications in 2 clicks
  • Choose from thousands of applications on private and/or public catalogs
  • Install your favorite applications within your clusters in 2 clicks
  • Configure and manage versioning, updates, rollbacks...
  • Take advantage of the h8lio Cloud: storage, backups, scalability...
  • You can also use the Factory h8lio to create and publish your charts
Focus on your code
  • Create, clone, migrate or mirror a source repository
  • Better code thanks to pull requests and branching models
  • Real-time feedback from Woodpecker's builds
  • Fully automated releases management in 1 click
  • Manage your project: agile board and tickets system
Cloud Continuous Integration
  • Powered by our Cloud
  • Fully customisable pipelines: conditions, parallelism, plugins...
  • Notify teams about build results
  • Preconfigured and ready to push your image to your private h8lio registry
Safe and standardized applicative packages
  • Manage your applicative images (OCI/Docker) and bundle (Helm Chart)
  • Keep your application safe: scheduled image scanner
  • Push your images from any public or private docker registry
Multicloud Continuous Delivery
  • Keep control of your applications release lifecycle: red-black, blue-green, canary release, manual workflow, DIY...
  • Increase your customers experience and feedback
  • Expose new features to selected users
  • Reduce risk of introducing a new release: Zero Downtime Deployment, rollback and monitoring
Production-Grade Container Orchestration
  • Platform as code
  • Core Kubernetes release: kubectl, official dashboard...
  • Install any public or private application
  • Manage your applications resources: routes, volumes, load balancer...
  • Operate your cloud without any troubles
Compose and scale observability
  • Detect, alert and prevent failures faster
  • Rule & monitor your services to have real-time metrics thanks to 10+ dashboard included
  • Analyse your system and make decisions to take care of your customer satisfaction
  • Set up your own tools and rules to follow your production and handle crisis situation
Install your applications in 2 clicks
  • Choose from thousands of applications on private and/or public catalogs
  • Install your favorite applications within your clusters in 2 clicks
  • Configure and manage versioning, updates, rollbacks...
  • Take advantage of the h8lio Cloud: storage, backups, scalability...
  • You can also use the Factory h8lio to create and publish your charts
Safe & Secure

User Security and Privacy

Single authentication throught a cloud native edge router to all the DevOps applications provided by the OIDC protocol and restricted by RBAC.

Your personal information are available at any time and exclusively used by TLS is enforced on all exchanges.


The transaction are PCI Service Provider Level 1 certified. This is the most stringent level of certification available in the payments industry.


Your data is distributed within clusters that manage three replicas for each object. These replicas are placed on different disks, servers and data centers, to ensure their longevity.

We provide disaster recovery by offering key data protection features such as scheduled backups and retention schedules.

Your docker images are analyzed to detect any vulnerabilities.

More than a credo, an engagement
Complex concepts made simple No major competencies required Cloud for everyone
Agnostic cloud yet multicloud No blackbox, always transparent Natively interoperable
Your innovation and R&D partner Upskilling your DevOps team Follow your growth
The ultimate Open-Source Multi-Clouds Services automation platform
Affordable while being at the edge of today technologies
Our Background

h8lio is the last production of Byzaneo, an IT services company working since 2004 with key accounts such as Atos, Gefco, Nissan, Sephora, Siemens,…

As our team is tech driven and loves both open source and challenges, we worked the last 3 years on the perfect solution that may help companies to switch to a real DevOps + Cloud experience: h8lio, the Smart Cloud Factory!

Our Mission

By outsourcing your IT system to us, we help you deliver secure, fast, reliable and flawless: Digital Transition Guidance.

Stay focus on code and user experience (UX) oriented, we manage the rest.

We give to your IT team more time to work on high-value business tasks, like improving your product.

Our Vision

Our main focus is the respect of the standards to provide a fully open & secure solution.

If it could be automated, it has to be! No shenanigans at all. Never ever.


because your privacy and freedom matter to us...
Terms of Services
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Made in France by Byzaneo.©2024 all rights reserved.